Sunday, September 18, 2011

One Last Tear

As I lay in bed, staring at the ceiling, thinking of all my mistakes, unaware of the badness I've caused to make you hurt

Fell for you hard, now under a spell of confusion, lost & sad. 
Knowing your hurt, & my absence of not "being there" kills me more and more inside
Dreaming of the good memories, our many adventures, & intimate moments,
At every thought of you, I smile.
Feeling the many sleepless nights to come… 
I lie alone in bed as I cry my last tear


  1. this is a beautiful,is it a poem or a from a song marina?,ive felt like that somtimes too, September the 18th is my birthday,so i see it as a good sign you wrote this on that day.

  2. Its a poem that I made up on Sunday, feelings I was feeling @ the time... Wow, Happy Birthday to you, and thanks for reading my blog :)
