Friday, April 15, 2011

Live & Let Live Free

To Live and Let Live Free

"When we live and let live, we don't need to criticize, judge, or condemn others. We have no need to control them or try and make them conform to our way of thinking. 

We let others live their own lives and we live ours.

This simple slogan helps center us on our own dual recovery and on living our own life in the best way we know how. Live and let live is one of the keys to peace in our lives. When we practice tolerance in our lives we are liberated to work on our own issues. When we use this slogan we end many of the conflicts in our lives and gain the ability to stop new ones before they build into big ones."

Therefore, Live and Let Live.... Do what makes you happy, listen to yourself, and follow your desires. Go with the flow of life. Love yourself, if you don't know how, learn to. Take the time to find what fills you, interests you, makes you whole. 

Things that make me feel alive:
Rock Climbing
Feeling the Breeze of the wind
Breathing Ocean Air
Endless Sunsets
Star Gazing
Meeting New and Pure People
Moose Magazine
Smiles =)

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